
Everybody knew well to remain silent, and Rong Yan was calm as though whatever Ye Wei did was not the slightest related to her. She peeled several walnuts in a row, and the sound made by the walnuts being peeled cryptically filled the room.

Fang Ying looked at Chu Li aggrievedly whilst Chu Li looked at Rong Yan glumly. Fang Ying called out to Brother Chu with tears in her eyes and Chu Li then turned back to say, "What happened? Do your wounds still ache?"

Everybody looked down in unison and broke into a smile. Chu Li did not hear what Ye Wei said, and even if he did, he would not be able to say much. A few days after Rong Yan left, everybody knew how he went crazy thinking about her. Given how tough it was for him to see her, he clearly could not bear to see her leave.