The Deal between the Two Women

At night, by the sea.

When Meng Lianling arrived, Ye Wei was already waiting for her. Mo Ye's mansion was close to the seaside, only a few hundred meters away. Ye Wei rode Mo Jue's chopper over and parked it on the beach.

Meng Lianling saw the woman standing on the beach coldly, facing the sea. From her point of view, she could only see her slim figure and her long hair scattered in the sea breeze. Under the gray and white sky, she looked a little solemn and quiet, as if a storm was about to break out after the calmness. At the same time, the sea was also calm.

"Lianling, hypnotize me!" Ye Wei didn't look back. Her voice was scattered in the sea breeze and it was unclear when it reached Meng Lianling's ears. She didn't move or turn back at all, as if she had just said something unimportant.