The Two Beauties

Dana seemed to be taken aback and looked awkward. Unlike Miss Cheng, she was not used to such steamy scenes. Not daring to see the view on the beach, she blushed and hid behind Miss Cheng.

Instead, it was the men who followed that whistled their approval as the majority of the young people getting a suntan on the beach were young women. As they approached, they could clearly see the figures and complexion of the women.

Su Man, walking ahead stridently, did not look aside. Miss Cheng was secretly wondering if Su Man had a thing for men. She looked around and found that there were several men who were comparably decent. They were not Indians, African-Americans, or people from the surrounding states, but instead seemed to resemble Asians along with some Caucasians in their midst. Su Man would have found them more pleasing to the eye.