The Confession

As only the two of them were home, dinner was not particularly sumptuous. Mo Ye, according to Eleven's preferences, prepared Chinese fare. Eleven, after several hours of sleep, was much more attentive and helped with the preparation.

The atmosphere still remained warm. Once the steamed fish was done, Eleven tasted it and it tasted good. She broke into a hearty smile and was about to praise Mo Ye when he said, "Has my cooking improved by much?"

Eleven gently smiled. He had indeed made much progress. Some people were smart in many areas to be able to prepare food this well. He improved extremely quickly to the point they were much better than when he began. He had caught the fish with the villagers the day before. The little river that ran in front of Mrs. Kurt's house was a tributary that led to the main river further up. The ice further up was much thinner, and many villagers went to fish downstream.