
Mrs. Kurt told her that after she left that day, Meng Lianying sent Mo Ye to the doctor's immediately, accompanied by Birmingham and the others. Because Mrs. Kurt was also hurt, Birmingham took them away together and went to the nearest private clinic.

Mrs. Kurt was only slightly injured, but Mo Ye's heart had already stopped when they arrived at the clinic. Even the doctor could not do anything to help. Later, Mo Jue and Ye Wei arrived and took Mo Ye away that night. Mr. and Mrs. Kurt had no idea of what happened later.

Mr. Kurt asked the doctor about Mo Ye and he said that Mo Ye couldn't be saved as his heart had stopped for a long time. Even God would not be able to save him.

Eleven was stunned while Mrs. Kurt's eyes became red. The husband and wife had gotten along harmoniously with the two of them for a period of time, and it was sad for them to see them being against each other.