Hailan Is Critical

Cheng Anya had long recovered, and Third Young Master Ye specially remained for a few days more so that she could recuperate that bit more until Bai Ye gave her the all-clear. It was only then that Third Young Master Ye heaved a sigh of relief.

Tonight, when they finished packing, Ye Hailan crawled out from her crib. Her face was a terrible red, and bubbles seemed to fill her obsidian eyes. She seemed extremely weak.

"Mommy, my head is spinning…" Ye Hailan gently screamed and sounded tender. Cheng Anya was with Third Young Master Ye and Ning Ning, discussing whether they should head out to buy gifts for a few good friends of theirs when the young kid heard Ye Hailan's voice. When he turned around, he was shocked and dropped his magazine in panic. The couple quickly rushed over whereas the young kid ran downstairs to call for Bai Ye.

"Hailan, what's happened?"