
Daiya walked out from the corner coldly. The four men who followed her were killed by Ye Wei, and all that was left was just her, another woman, and two other men. She quickly ordered the men to stabilize Mo Jue.

Mo Jue was shot in the heart and had already lost too much blood and had to be stabilized before he could be saved so that his odds of survival would increase. They often operated in such situations and knew these facts.

Daiya walked over to Ye Wei proudly and checked her breathing. Ye Wei's breathing was extremely weak, and she must have been shot in a critical location. Given Ye Wei's endurance, she should not be this weakened otherwise. The pillar she leaned on turned red. There was so much blood on the ground. Her eyes were tightly closed and both her guns were by her side. She seemed attractive, very good-looking.

It was death at its most beautiful.

'Ye Wei, to think you would end up like today…'