
Ye Wei awoke amidst a fragrance that lingered around her nose. She was so comfortable to the point she was yearning to sleep, and she really liked this lazy feeling. It felt so good and she did not want to wake up.

She heard somebody breathing next to her and also heard the sound of scissors cutting something. Some sounds outside the window weren't particularly loud.

She was still alive!

As this exceptionally clear thought rushed into her head, she could not help but smile gently. It felt good!

The sound of cutting suddenly stopped, and it seemed even more obvious when her eyes were closed. She suddenly heard something drop and then felt warmth on her face. A slightly calloused hand stroked her face. She felt how careful he was and how he trembled. His breathing became deeper, and she felt a shadow descend upon her. She knew that somebody was looking down at her.

Mo Jue…