
Ye Wei looked at his cold face coolly and felt a slight ache in her heart. She could only look away and plainly said, "If you are hell-bent on getting in my way, please leave! I do not need you!"

"Ye Wei, I dare you to say that again!" Mo Jue grabbed her chin and forcefully turned her head around. He suddenly sat by the bedside and put his hands on her shoulders before solemnly saying, "I dare you to say that again!"

His bloodshot eyes were filled with rage, sadness, and even more with… hatred. Why was she able to push him away so easily? She saw and ignored all that he had done.

'Ye Wei, why can't you just open your eyes and look at this heart that has been lost, broken, and so head over heels for you?'

'Why must you be so cruel?'

Ye Wei seemed emotionless and her gaze was a terrifying calm. There was no warmth in her gaze. More accurately speaking, it was cold. As Mo Jue looked on, his heart gradually sank into hell.