
Playing mahjong was Ye Wei's and Eleven's favorite pastime, and the two of them together were unbeatable. If they returned to London, they would get a table so that Chu Li, Bai Ye, and the others would all go and play.

When it came to technique, Ye Wei and Eleven were the best. The two of them would often win when they played together, which was fishy, but everybody knew better not to call them out on it.

Very often, Ye Wei and Eleven were on the same team when they played mahjong. Unless there was nobody else to make up the table, they would then play. They were extremely skilled when it came to cheating that few could observe it. The few brothers, after many games, then realized that the two of them were in cahoots. Mo Jue was keen enough to notice they were cheating the moment he started playing.

Eleven harrumphed. She would not even admit to cheating, let alone Ye Wei. Both of them stared hard at Mo Jue as though seeing them cheat was an unpardonable sin.