
The few of them had breakfast and deliberately remained to chitchat. With Su Ruhua and Ye Wei, both experts at keeping the conversation going, present, it was not too long into the conversation that they revealed most of their background.

Eleven secretly admired their abilities. When it came to scheming and manipulation, which was a matter of innate talent, she was not as strong off as them and would end up being strung along by them. She hence quietly listened to Beauty Mom and Ye Wei face each other off.

The few of them were waiting for Su Man and Bai Ye. When they asked Dana, Dana would not reveal anything as she really did not know and had nothing to offer.

"Wei Wei, do you want to wager?" Su Ruhua asked excitedly. Ye Wei's eyes lit up and she blinked with interest. Su Ruhua laughed and said, "Let's wager as to who was dominant and who was submissive. I wager that Man Man is dominant. How about that?"