
When Mo Shitian woke up with bleary eyes, the bedroom was still as dark and the bed next to him had turned cold. He suddenly shivered and came to his senses.

Where was Ruyu?

Could she have left?

No longer sleepy, he wore his sleeping robe and, without tightening it, immediately opened the door to dash downstairs. Unlike the darkness in the bedroom, it was bright outside thanks to the warm sunlight covering all in its way.

The house was filled with an aroma.

Su Ruyu heard the hurried thumping of steps and turned back in surprise to see a startled Mo Shitian behind her. He was in a black sleeping robe that was loosely worn. The V-shaped collar ran from his neck to his chest, somehow revealing his perfectly sculpted chest. Mo Shitian, like the classiest hunting leopard around, seemed exceptionally sexy and gorgeous.