
Su Ruhua gently closed her eyes. Su Ruyu's gaze was slightly cold when she looked away from Su Ruhua's face. It was a face that she once so adored and trusted.

To her, the past twenty years flashed past in the blink of an eye, and all the memories of the tragedies of before were so fresh as though they happened yesterday. She could neither smile at Su Ruhua nor treat everything as though they did not happen.

"I'll give you another five more minutes. If you are not talking, we'll sever ties with each other for the rest of our lives and part for good." Su Ruyu, wanting to know exactly what happened between Mo Shitian and her, had to talk tough.

"Xiaoyu, I'll talk." Su Ruhua slowly opened her eyes. "When I was about to bring you the letter that day, I saw Fu Jin and Mo Shitian fighting it out over you. Fu Jin wanted Mo Shitian to give up on you, but he was unwilling, so they both fought. As they fought, they unintentionally crashed into the wine cellar…"