
Mo Jue stared at her coldly. He said in a deep voice, "Say it again and I'll throw you down."

"I don't think you dare. Anyway, your mom has your dad, and that's enough. It doesn't matter if you like her or not. Moreover, there are not many people that you like. Do you like Beauty Mom? Do you love her a lot? I don't expect you to love my master, but Mo Jue, let me tell you. She is the most important person in my life. Even more important than you." Ye Wei's voice sank slowly, and she looked at Mo Jue with a serious look. She wasn't joking at all.

Mo Jue stared at her angrily and he clenched his fists. He had a real impulse to throw her down, but Ye Wei shook her injured foot to remind him that she was injured.

She was more important than him?