
Deep in the night, the Su's mansion was dead silent.

Suddenly, tear gas rounds streaked across the sky and rushed into every corner of the room, setting off the alarms in the Su's mansion. Su Man, Bai Ye, Chu Li, and the others hurried out of the central atrium.

When everybody was running out of the rooms to gather in the central atrium, Mo Shitian and Su Ruyu had completed their reconnaissance outside. Meanwhile, Kahn's men were long gone.

"F***! What kind of asshole sends tear gas into the house in the middle of the night?!" Jason flew into a rage.

As the Su family was the top royalty in Riyadh, Kahn would never dare to brazenly drop a missile on them for fear of startling the government. Considering he and the Russian operatives entered the country illegally, startling the government would only exceedingly impede their mission.