
The moment he reached out to stroke Eleven's chin, the man next to her grabbed his hand in the blink of an eye.

He was so fast he almost caught Kahn's wrist.

"F*** off! Don't dirty her face!"

He sounded like an angel from hell. However, he was so gorgeous to the point he looked like the lovechild of the angel and the devil.

When did Mo Ye become so capable?

Kahn slightly raised his eyebrows. A hint of danger flashed across his eyes. He suddenly heard a few agonizing cries, followed by thumps of heavy objects slumping onto the ground. Shocked, Kahn turned around and realized that his men had fallen.

With deathly looks on them that seemed devoid of life, Kahn suddenly opened his eyes wide and noticed Su Man calmly walking into the great hall. The immaculate-looking gentleman, as though he were an angel incarnate, was calm and beautiful. His countenance was extremely cold to the point nothing seemed to be of his business.