
To Mo Jue, the wedding proposal was about its outcome rather than the process.

When Ye Wei said 'yes', Mo Jue took it that Ye Wei agreed to marry him and was so overjoyed he suddenly cupped her face and kissed her deeply before breaking off and putting her on the bed. He then hurriedly headed to the drawer and ransacked it as though he were looking for something.

Ye Wei supported her forehead. What was he doing?

"Mo Jue, what are you doing?"

"Looking for something."

She definitely knew he was searching for something, but the question was what was he looking for? She did not ask him and instead waited for him to complete searching. Could she really marry Mo Jue? She would have to discuss that with Eleven and see whether she could marry him.

As it made little meaning for them to get married one by one, she was thinking of them getting married together. Since they did things together, getting married together would make for one happy ending.