
An Xunuo, in a pair of ten-centimeter heels, was very tall. When she hugged Ye Ningyuan, it was a perfect match. He was handsome and she was beautiful. They were undoubtedly eye candy.

His lips were warm with a taste of wine. Xunuo went from kissing his lips to sucking on them despite her thumping heart. This was the first time she was this bold toward a man. She slightly opened her eyes and saw his pitch-black eyes up-close. Although his eyelashes slightly trembled, they did not move much. His pitch-black eyes were exceptionally deep.

She slightly backed away before she kissed his lips again and smiled beautifully. "Ningyuan, you're such a terrible person! Didn't you want to celebrate my birthday with me? To think that I've gone the mile to dress up for you today. What a killjoy."