
City A.

Ye Ningyuan's plane landed at the Ye family's dedicated airport. Cheng Anya and her daughter were enjoying tea while waiting for him. Once the plane landed, there were people bringing his luggage into the car.

He seemed to enjoy wearing casual wear and always seemed so calm and elegant. Ye Hailan happily ran toward him. "Brother, I miss you so much!"

He easily carried the tiny Ye Hailan, who was a beautiful little girl. The Ye family members all had delicate features and holy poise as if they were a clean white lotus.

Miss Ye held his face, kissed his lips, and hugged his neck to act cute. "Brother, it's been a month since you've come home. Do you miss me?"

"Of course! Who will I think of if I don't think of my little princess?" Ye Ningyuan stroked her long hair in a doting manner. He pampered his sister since young and almost fulfilled all her requests. He would satisfy anything that Ye Hailan wanted, no matter how unreasonable it might be.