
An Xunuo turned back. Her bloodshot eyes met Ye Ningyuan's shocked gaze.

As though he understood something, he forced a smile. An Xunuo clenched her fists and slowly walked over. She suddenly reached out and hugged him tightly as though it was their one and only hug in their lifetime.

He was slightly taken aback and did not understand what was on her mind.

An Xunuo backed off a few steps and looked at him before flatly saying, "Thank you."

She pushed him away and left.

"Xunuo!" He called out. She stopped in her steps for a moment and gently said, "Please take care!"

Without saying a word, she quickly disappeared into the corridor. Ye Ningyuan, leaning against the wall, looked down and saw the well-polished floor. "This day sure arrived quickly," he said softly.

There was a hint of unwillingness in his voice.