
An Xunuo stopped in her steps and looked back at him coldly. "One more word from you and I'll be in the mood to kill."

Ye Ningyuan smiled and turned his head. "Miss An, please treat me to dinner," he suddenly said.

"I've no money!" An Xunuo coldly looked at him. "Don't you know that my bank account has been frozen?"

"Given your ability, you can still access a frozen bank account." Ye Ningyuan deftly took her case apart with a smile. He knew that while An Xunuo's computer skills were not as good as his, few could rival her.

"Don't you understand the term 'no'?" She looked at him in slight displeasure.

Ye Ningyuan smiled. "Since I took you in for over ten days, surely you treating me to a meal to thank me is normal, right?"

She could not quite digest the thought of eating with him.