
Ye Ningyuan looked at the gun fearlessly and said calmly, "I guess you are clearer than anybody else that this gun is not something dangerous to me."

He stood there quietly, his body tall and straight. His mouth had a slight smile, and his gaze seemed to be filled with ridicule and arrogance. His dominance since young had been etched in him, and he looked more aggressive in this calm weather's light breeze.

He was not afraid of guns…

"You indeed know Nuo Nuo. Do you want to take revenge for her?" Ye Ningyuan asked.

"Shouldn't I?"

"What reason do you have and what position are you in to take revenge?" Ye Ningyuan's gaze looked like he was mocking him. His calm tone was sharp. "Did Nuo Nuo give you permission?"

"Are you afraid of dying?"

"Afraid to die? Yes, I'm afraid to die." Ye Ningyuan walked forward calmly. "I'm afraid that after I die, I won't be able to meet her in the netherworld."