Teks (Part 2)

Morok had actually cast a fireball right through the open wound and into the innards of the creature, using its own hard shell to trap the powerful explosion inside the beast.

"I like my crab well cooked and now you know where to hit. Time to earn your pay, boys!" He said with a feral smile before moving onto the next opponent.

Lith's blade, one of the failed prototypes, went for the eyes instead. He wanted to check why Morok had chosen such a dangerous strategy when there was a much easier target.

The answer came in the form of the eyestalks actually being articulated peduncles capable of folding back into the shell in case of danger.

'Plan B it is.' Lith thought, putting the blade back inside his pocket dimension. Fusion magic empowered his body as Solus turned into her glove form, fully enveloped by the silver protection of the Orichalcum.