Fugitive (Part 1)

'Either that man has gone crazy due to the prolonged agony, or he enjoys his work.' Solus pointed out. 'The other Flesh Golems are way less creative because they limit themselves to only following their commands whereas this guy is doing his best.'

It was indeed a smart strategy. Just like true mages, constructs didn't need to chant. Even better, they could use some of their abilities freely, without even wasting time weaving spells like Lith did.

By using wide darkness pulses, the Golem was making sure that Lith was forced to either exhaust all of his spells or doom the other two humans behind him. Normally, Lith wouldn't have cared much for either Neshal or Morok, but without them, he would have to face three Golems instead of one.

This time math was a harsh mistress.