Immortal Body (Part 2)

Two more beams lept from Jiira's eyes while he was slammed against the back wall, taking Lith by surprise. Both rays struck at Lith's heart with enough strength to bounce him off the floor, filling it with cracks, and then crash against the metal door.

Jiira had used pure mana to attack, giving the beams the same energy that a speeding truck would have in exchange for a lack of any piercing ability. The results were nothing to scoff at. Jiira had clearly heard the human's bones shatter not only when he had been hit by the beams, but also every time Lith had struck a hard surface.

The small pool of blood forming under Lith's head was a clear sign of how deadly the Odi's aim had been. Jiira could sense the enemy's life force fading, so he focused on the Body-Swapping device to make sure that it had sustained no damage.