Ill Omen (Part 3)

Lith cut the head off the cleaved ghoul, yet its flesh reattached to its neck and so did the two halves of its body. Ghouls had regenerative abilities on par with trolls, and just like their living 'cousins', healing from their wounds didn't make them weaker, only hungrier.

'How the heck do you kill a ghoul?' Lith thought.

'Either you destroy its heart or you pulverize its body with darkness magic.' Solus replied, hoping she remembered it right. Soluspedia was still stuffed with the material about runes and spirit magic, so there was no space for bestiaries.

Lith struck where the heart was supposed to be, but Ruin only hit the ground as the undead was swallowed by the earth as if it was a ghost. Meanwhile, his warning coupled with the failed ambush had given the others enough time to react.