Well-Laid Plans (Part 1)

Due to their small size, arrows and bullets couldn't bear mana crystals. Enchanting them cost dozens of gold coins and they would last only a few hours before they imploded under the pressure generated by the spells they were imbued with.

To make matters worse, making a bullet out of Davross or Adamant was not only incredibly expensive, but also pointless.

Even the simplest set of runes scaled down to the smallest size that would still allow them to work required an extensive surface to be drawn. The arrow Lith had intercepted was covered in runes from the tip to its feathers just to achieve the armor piercing spell.

Lith put Kamila over his left shoulder as if she was just a sack of potatoes and started to run while his mind spun at top gear.

'There are only two ways out of here. Either I throw Kamila outside the array so that she can call for help and I can fight freely, or I fight while protecting her. Both strategies are very risky.