Artificial Mana Flow (Part 2)

'It's a big deal to me!' Lith and Solus thought as one as their mind was suddenly filled with doubts.

'Fuck me sideways. I knew it was too good to be true. Before throwing the towel, I'm going to master a single element and try to apply what I learn in the process to regular Spirit Magic. If my discoveries don't work on natural mana, then I'll stop wasting my time.' They thought in unison.

He now focused on the darkness element because it was one of his affinities while Solus focused on earth.

"I've got a question. How do I know that I'm doing it right?" Friya asked.

"You'll know because your first magic will have the same elemental properties of the aspect you enhanced." Faluel replied. "Heat for fire, cold for water, and so on."

"Fire it is." Friya put a bit of dry grass near the tip of her wand so that she could notice the slightest hint of heat.

Tista and Nalrond whistled in approval and followed her example.