Royal Demands (Part 1)

"If you add the fact that the last year you invited no official of the Kingdom to your birthday, that you held a private party instead of a gala, and that the Overlord of the Desert visited your home, you can understand why your standing in the Court has become precarious." Brinja said

"That's not true. I invited the Ernas." Lith replied.

"It would have mattered only if Lady Jirni and Lord Orion attended." She said. "But the only Ernas that came to your party are the very same that turned their backs to the Kingdom shortly after you did and followed you in the fold of the Emperor Beasts."

"After that, you left for the Desert for over a month now and you even brought Friya Ernas with you. After I just connected the dots for you, are you still surprised that the Royals feel the need to make sure that it's still worth investing in you?"

"Point taken." Lith nodded.