Fields and Ovens (Part 2)

"Also, remember never to reveal my or aunt Solus's secrets, or bad people like those who attacked you two will come for us." Lith said.

"Sorry, Uncle. I promise I'll be careful." Leria squeezed his hand, afraid that something might happen to Lith because of her big mouth.

The kids had spent so much time in the Desert that they had forgotten that it was the only place beside their home where they could talk freely about their odd family and friends.

Lith checked the road ahead with Life Vision, noticing how many things had changed in the last nineteen years. The constant passage of the carriages between his house and the village had smoothened the once rough path.

In the distance, he could see new buildings being built over abandoned unfertile lands. Sometimes, the silence was broken by the echo of a faint noise from Lutia that had been carried by the wind.