Primordial Flames (Part 1)

'Did Meln really put all of you in his sick paintings?' Lith asked with his lips curled up in disgust, wishing he could puke and burn that place to the ground.

'You wish.' Friya replied, doing her best to repress a retching sound that would reveal their position. 'I've seen a statue of Kamila and Zinya doing something that I'll never forget.

'Another one of my Mom with Orpal, and a painting of you that I'd rather not talk about.'

They spent the next few minutes preparing their battle plan to reach the throne room and waiting for the report of the other assault teams. Once they were done, Lith discovered that the Hand of Fate corps had found themselves in a similar situation.

None of them was a dimensional mage and with Life Vision blinded and surrounded by enemies they had been forced to move more slowly than normal.