Necessary Adjustments (Part 1)

"How did it go?" Selia asked, biting her lower lip in excitement. "Did you take a ride on the Dragon or…"

"No, yesterday was the Tiamat's turn. The Dragon is not human enough for my taste and the Abomination lacks the fun parts." Kamila replied, making Lith inwardly scream.

"Excellent choice. Always starts from what you are familiar with and then go with the flow." Selia said. "I envy you so much. One husband, four bodies. You are not going to get bored any soon, that's for sure."

"You think?" Kamila asked.

"I speak from experience. At first, you keep things as human-like as you can, then you start exploring. After a while, in for a penny, in for a pounding I say [AN: freely translated from kinky Mogarian]."

"You can always change your mind about the Dragon. As for the Abomination, I wouldn't worry too much. There's still the bright violet. Maybe it just needs-"