Nineteen (Part 1)

"Your story is too convenient to be true, 'Elphyn'. I need proof of your identity. Tell me something that only Menadion would know." Tryssa said.

"Like what?" Solus replied with a scoff. "I won't share my legacy's secrets with you and even if I did, it's all outdated knowledge. Whatever I say, you could just claim that I'm making it up or that it's not enough until you learn what little I've left of my mother's work.

"If it's proof that you want, I can give you plenty, though. I can call Lochra Silverwing and Baba Yaga to vouch for me. I can even call Overlord Salaark to testify about my identity and how my mother entrusted me to her."

Solus didn't actually have their contact runes, but Zoreth could ask Nandi to summon Baba Yaga who in turn knew where to find Silverwing. As for Salaark, her rune was on the speed dial.