A Place Called Home (Part 2)

"Is discipline really lacking so much these days?" Lith furrowed his brows in disbelief.

"No, but ever since we have started losing the war, people have a low tolerance for beasts and there are already a few here." The general shook his head. "The soldiers are wound up like a drum and the arrival of a beast who is also a wanted criminal might be the last straw."

"I'm not a criminal anymore. The Crown pardoned me." Lith replied with a shrug.

"A piece of paper can't erase the memory of what the people of the entire Kingdom saw you do while fighting Meln in Lutia." Berion sighed. "Now enough with the pleasantries and let's get down to business."

A snap of his fingers conjured a holographic 3-D map of Belius' surroundings above a nearby table.

The Kingdom's forces were shown in the form of blue dots while Thrud's were red.