Real Strength (Part 2)

"Not because of the monsters that you fight out there, but for those you battle here and here." Kamila came close to him, putting her hand on his head and then over his heart.

"No matter if they are born from your past traumas or just self-made, you've never stopped fighting against yourself, trying to be better.

"Creating this room, being capable to open up, and putting me in front of struggles I hadn't even thought about despite the already precarious state of our relationship, that's real courage and strength.

"Seeing you in here, practicing with diapers made me realize that I love you even if your identity makes no sense.

"When a few seconds ago you put yourself on the line of fire again to spare me and the baby from pain, I understood that even though Mogar and Earth may be at the opposite corners of space, you are still the man I fell in love with and who I chose to marry."