Silverwing’s Tower (Part 3)

Leegaain and Baba Yaga already knew the magical principles behind tower crafting while Kamila and Shargein had the same level of understanding about Forgemastery.

"You heard me. Take a look at the blocks on the right side of the room with your breathing technique. I've already enchanted them." Silverwing said and they complied.

Not only did the gold-veined white marble have thin veins of Adamant spread throughout its structure, creating a homogeneous mana flow, but it also had a simple yet powerful pseudo-core.

"How did you achieve it?" Lith asked.

"For the Adamant, the trick is to keep the marble over the geyser after the first Infusion. It strengthens the flow and opens new channels that you can coat with more Adamant. Rinse and repeat until you are done." Silverwing replied.