Ground Rules (Part 2)

"What do you say we go visit Baron Wyalon, son?" Raaz asked. "He deserves that ride on the DoLorean you promised him."

"I don't know, Dad. I've already gotten an invitation from my old sergeant, Tepper. I was thinking to turn him down, but Morok has been invited as well. We've never been really close, but he's Quylla's betrothed now.

"After what happened to Phloria, she needs us more than ever."

"How long would that take?" Kamila asked.

"An hour. Maybe less. Hardly more. The invite is about showing me off to the new recruits and giving them some kind of speech. Boot camps have no time to waste, believe me.

"Whatever rest those poor boys get while I talk, they are going to pay dearly for it in sweat."

"Your camp was in the north and so is Jambel." Solus pointed out. "What if we pick up Wyalon and then ride to Grimatros? This way you can act all cocky in front of your family and friends. Also, we can move out the moment you are done."