Wasted Opportunity (Part 2)

"You wanted them only as tenants, not neighbors. You didn't even try to reach out to them because you knew that they'd demand to own what they build. That they will fight to the death rather than give away the fruits of their labor the moment you are back on your feet."

Everyone but Breganoth lowered their eyes in shame. Once again, the crux of the matter wasn't the lack of a solution, but the unwillingness to share the magical resources of Jiera.

The Council had hoped that between the ocean separating them from Garlen and Thrud Griffon's invasion, they would have the time to slowly grow their strength and prevent the colonization of their continent.

Now, however, they found themselves in the position of being nearly forced to beg for help and pay anything their newfound allies might demand as compensation. Colonization had a nasty ring to it but sounded like music compared to the annihilation they would face if Zima attacked.