Strain of Power (Part 1)

Not only did Solus' presence make the lessons much more enjoyable for the male fourth year students, but she also taught Void Magic from a different angle by using one-step exercises that emphasized a single aspect of an elemental pair of elements.

Her methods were just as valid as Lith's but they offered an alternative approach to those who had been struggling to follow his teachings.

Time passed, Kamila entered the fourth month of pregnancy and Brinja gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Milla Distar, named in honor of her late grandmother Mirim. As the personal healer of both mother and daughter, Lith was summoned to deliver the baby.

Milla was born with a head full of brown hair with blue streaks all over, making Brinja cry with joy the moment Lith handed her the baby.

"She's identical to my mother." Brinja said amid tears. "Let's hope that Milla has inherited Mom's talent for magic as well."