Survival and Extinction (Part 1)

"My duty." The Firstborn Vampire replied. "I was born on Jiera, just like my wife and son. We have been forced into exile by the plague and even though I like Garlen, my family still misses our homeland."

"That I know." Lith nodded. "I meant, how can you go there and leave Lysa and Radusk alone in Lightkeep? What if the Undead Courts attack them? Also, you might be immortal, but your wife is human. You should treasure your time with her."

"Da!" Elysia had no idea who the people Lith was talking about were but feeling the sentiment in her father's voice, she nodded.

"I see." Vladion laughed while offering the baby a finger that she sniffed with curiosity before giving it a playful bite. "Fatherhood indeed suits you and you are right. I would never leave them if not for my privileges as one of the Firstborns."

"Meaning?" Lith asked.