A Trick of Two (Part 2)

The weak point that every living being had but they usually ignored because only an Awakened could find it.

"Just how?" The Dullahan's head turned into ashes with the question on his lips but the Void ignored it and turned around to help Solus.

'What the fuck?' The black chains had also struck her opponents but they seemed to be useless.

At least until she was forced to lower the Spirit Barrier and face the Banshee and the Mage Slayer in close-quarter combat again.

The Full Guard spell imbued in her armor gave Solus full spatial awareness, but there was no point knowing the movements of her enemies if her body couldn't follow them.

Now, however, she could see thanks to Full Guard where every part of the undead's body was and, in her mind, where they would be. Solus could see which movements were just feints and which were meant to strike.