Nice Save (Part 2)

"Why should I resent Protheus? He is but a misguided child who got brainwashed by his 'mother'.

"As for the surviving Generals, they have lost everything already. They have no home, their families would kill them on sight, and they are going to be prisoners inside Leegaain's biomes until he decides otherwise.

"This is hardly a happy ending for them and even if it was, I don't care anymore. If they are good with Valeron and if once they are free they have truly changed, they can do whatever they want with their lives.

"If they try anything funny, however, I'm going to kill them for good. There's no point being angry on a maybe."

Then, Lith told the others about the handmaidens and how they and the surviving Generals had taken care of Valeron the Second.

"If not for them, he would probably grow up to be a second Balkor and honestly, I couldn't blame him for it. Also, watch this." Lith tickled Valeron under the chin, triggering a metamorphosis.