Black Blood (Part 2)

Maergron no longer perceived the world through the other five eyes and the Voidfeather's keen sight was lost to him.

As he looked at the five extra eyes, they looked back at him, glaring in hatred.

"I see you." A voice that didn't belong to the Fae came out of his mouth that was now filled with fangs that hadn't been there until a second ago nor had he perceived forming.

A voice that sounded like wind howling inside an abyss.

Maergron touched the fangs with his fingers, refusing to believe his own eyes. As a Fae, his appearance depended solely on his will. Such a change was impossible without his will.

The moment he touched the fangs, his fingers became numb. Then, he doubled over in pain as the same force that had sucked the vitality out of his hand did the same to the rest of his body.