Burnt Out (Part 2)

During his past visits to the Valley of Life, Lith had searched for mana geyser with the excuse of exploring the area during the breaks from Valtak's lessons. He could mark a geyser on his own, without the need to build the tower there.

He had planned to return to the Valley of Life and train on his own, he had never considered such an emergency.

'Thank the gods for Lith's paranoia.' Solus opened the door, letting out Dawn and Kamila who had come with her. 'Be ready.'

They were far from the scene of the fight and Solus knew the region only from Lith's memories. Yet the Warp Mirror could help her cover most of the distance and from there, her bond with Lith would guide her.

Solus had brought Kamila because Tista had briefly explained the problem. If Lith needed his inner light to overcome the souls, Kamila would give him strength as well. As for Dawn, a Horseman capable of using Blade Spells was a fine addition to any mission.