Mage Towers (Part 1)

"Having this kind of power is fun, but if I have to spend the rest of my life alone like a rabid monster it's going to get old very fast." Derek sighed. "On top of that, I need to understand who this Verhen guy is.

"The tiger man called me like that but back then I thought it was an insult, like monster, or a title. Yet even the woman called Verhen and mentioned something like a Supreme Magus. Verhen must be a name."

'Maxwell's beard, yes!' The Voidfeather thought. 'Come on, you are a smart guy. Just take one small leap of imagination and realize it's your name. Otherwise why would different people recognize you and call you like that?'

"The name of the guy who inhabited this body before me." Derek said, making the Voidfeather groan. "Or maybe even the name of the guy who wants to possess this body. This may as well be a trap, but I haven't many choices left."