For the Jugular (Part 1)

Even after decades, Derek still hated Ezio like the first day.

"I have no father! I raised myself without any help from a pathetic excuse of a-" The second pang brought to his mind a scene in front of a fireplace where a young boy wrote with his stubby finger on a tray full of ashes.

From there his mind went to the Hogum Mansion, where Raaz's mutilated body lay down on a table akin to Carl in the morgue. Derek remembered the fear of losing that unknown man and the following struggle to save his life.

"Raaz!" Derek grunted, shaking his head to clear his mind.

"I'm Rena. Your big sister." Rena stepped forward. "I took care of you until you were four and then you took care of me. You've done so much for me that I've named my firstborn, Leria, after you.

"You've saved the life of my baby, Falco. Do you remember them?" She pulled out a Rememberer and projected the images of her children laughing with their uncle.