Conflict of Interest (Part 2)

"Investigate crimes, find evidence, track suspects, interrogate them, and then offer deals to the small fish to uncover the chain of command." Lith nodded for the Queen to continue.

"That's an oversimplification, but yes." Sylpha said. "The problem here is that we can't track our suspects. Or rather, we find them but fail to capture anyone above the level of grunts and even those are hard to catch."

"Why is that?" Lith furrowed his brows in confusion. "Not all Constables are like Lady Ernas and not all soldiers are like Captain Locrias but they are pretty good at their jobs."

"Indeed, but most of our opponents are just as good. Even those who are not, possess an ace in the hole. Have you ever seen one of these?" Meron handed Lith a piece of paper depicting a series of runes arranged in a familiar pattern.

"Years ago, as a child." He nodded. "The Talons had tattoos like this on their necks. What does it do?"