Utmost Priority (Part 2)

'I'm not up to date with magical runes yet, but I recognize a mana-containment array field when I see one. That place is no fortress. It's a lab to conduct alchemical experiments.' A few minutes later, the Eyes had collected enough data about the arrays to confirm Menadion's hypothesis.

'It makes sense.' Solus pondered. 'They have Awakened thanks to the anti-mana toxins. Those Emperor Beasts wouldn't have been able to perceive the world energy without the toxins so they can't explain how to do it to their accomplices.

'Yet this doesn't explain why not all the Emperor Beasts have taken the toxins. Any ideas, Mom?'

'Sadly, I do.' Menadion sighed. 'It's quite obvious if you think about it. Even Council elders can't Awaken someone past the bright cyan yet you've faced several Emperor Beasts with the bright blue.