Chapter 20

Song Mi move back quietly and then walk into the room behind her.

Song Mi quickly change her shirt with a red hoodie found inside the closet. Then she move her way to the desk, taking a pen and a piece of paper from the first drawer, she start writing out a note.

The note is written with black ink: Mom and Dad, I'm going to Yuki's house for a sleepover. I'll stay there until Sunday morning. I know what you two might be thinking of: 'Tomorrow is Friday!' But I dreamt during lunch break today that tomorrow the school will notify you that it will be close until next Monday.

Song Mi place the note on the table with the pen on top. Then, she open the second drawer. Realisation shown on her face as she remembers that she does not have her undercover sunglasses. She sigh as she take out a box and open it, pulling out a white mask.

Song Mi thinks, 'Guess this shall do...' and she pack her clothes with all the things she needs into her bag.

'It is such a shame I do not have a hat, otherwise it would have been a great cover with the mask...' Song Mi thinks while carring her bag and walking outside of her house without making any noise.

She starts running and stop at a nearby busstop. Memory of what happen when she arrive in front of the room just now appears as she wait for the bus...

"What do you mean that they were hurt in our office?!" A female voice shout out.

"Zhi Mi calm down! We should have expected that would happen after what Song Mi had said..." A male voice said

Zhi Mi: "He Zhe! We could have prevent it from happening!"

He Zhe: "Regardless, what are we going to do now that they have attack?!"

Zhi Mi: "We are going to make them pay for it of course!"

He Zhe: "Even though we could fix what happened from it but what about Song Mi? We did ask her favourite uncle and auntie to sub in for us.."

Zhi Mi: "That is certainly hard for them to pretend to be okay by saturday with their serious injuries and Song Mi is a smart kid too.."



..... End of flashback....

Song Mi sigh as she walk into the bus 65 and sit at a empty seat after tapping her Ez-link card.

'I guess this time Uncle Song and Auntie Ning was the one who got injured.. Unbelievable.. So that time when I got a call from Auntie Ning was because Uncle Song had to help out with Dad and Mom for the hospital bills..I can't believe they would go that far to prevent me from knowing their injuries..'

Song Mi look out to the window, 'Well.. Now I gave them a reason to not notice about Uncle Song and Auntie Ning's injuries. It's not like I can suddenly act mature compared to what I was before.. my black history..' and Song Mi face palm herself as she stop thinking.

"Hmm?" Song Mi's expression change as she realises something.

Song Mi quickly glance her surroundings.

Inwardly, Song Mi gasps as she realises that she shouldn't have taken this bus.