Emperor’s domination or the concubine loves domination!

Chapter 4

5 PM, the Martial arena of the Eastern Sea Sect.

Many practice platforms stood in the Martial arena or more popularly known as the practice grounds, while the numerous youths atop them yelled out as they exchanged blows. Each punch and kick was filled with vigour and ferocity, a rather imposing sight. Below the platforms were a crowd of spectators who would burst into cheers from time to time.

When Wang Chen lazily walked onto a platform, news of his fight with Fang Hao had already been secretly spread by the former to the entire practice grounds.

What? Fang Hao is going to fight with Wang Chen?!"

"How is that possible! Fang Hao has yet to even learn a cultivation technique and advance to the peak of the first level of the Qi condensation stage, on the other hand, Wang Chen has already reached the peak of the second level!"

"This Wang Chen is truly cunning, he would often reduce the amount of spirit enhancing pills given to Fang Hao as monthly rations as Wang Chen was a member of the supervision department while also constantly harassing him, finally forcing Fang Hao to agree to be the first one to duel him once the restriction was lifted…"


Hearing this news, cries of disbelief and surprise immediately erupted. Some felt that such a fight was a little too unfair for Fang Hao while others took joy in others sorrow as they mocked Fang Hao.

For any Qi Condensation stage practitioner, advancing a single level would raise the innate quality of one's body. Strength, speed, reflexes etc. far surpassed those who had yet to advance. To put it bluntly, a Qi Condensation stage practitioner was able to effortlessly defeat dozens of cultivators below their level.

Atop the stage, Wang Chen merely chuckled when he heard these voices. No matter what they said, after today, his merciless beating of Fang Hao would spread to the entire Eastern Sea sect removing the stain of defeat during the preparatory disciple selection from his reputation while also simultaneously earning a sweet reward.

While these malicious thoughts swirled in Wang Chen's head, the black mass of a crowd around the practice platform suddenly split apart. One could only watch as a thin youth slowly walked forward.

This thin youth had an ordinary face that could barely be called above average. He looked just like an average person indistinguishable from the crowd.

Naturally, this was Fang Hao.

Under the many varied gazes, Fang Hao headed straight for the practice platform where Wang Chen was.

"Oh? You actually dared to come. I had believed that you would secretly run away or try to commit suicide again. It looks like the grand champion of the preparatory disciple's selection still has some guts remaining" Wang Chen mocked with a smile as he watched Fang Hao, who had walked to his front.

"You are still stuck in the past Wang Chen, just because you got eliminated due to your loss against me during the semi-finals of the selection, you have held a grudge against me but due to the sect regulations that all fights and duels are prohibited among the preparatory disciples for the first three years, you have haunted me like a ghost after joining the supervisor's department often looking for trouble forcing me to duel you to settle this once and for all!"

"Hmmm… it looks like you are still full of spunk… let's see if it remains after I am done with you ...by the way do you still remember the stakes right… the person who loses has to grant a wish to the person who wins and let me tell you my wish is... " Wang Chen lightly licked his lips before speaking:"...to eat you"

The surroundings suddenly went silent before whispers started resounding.

"Eat him? Is he a cannibal?", an innocent-looking girl spoke in a hushed tone.

"No, he is not ...he is talking about having sexual intercourse with Fang Hao..." a mature looking scholarly youth replied in a complex tone before continuing: There exist a myriad of wonders in this world, some people are born with special abilities while others inherit unique bloodlines. One such clan that has a special bloodline is the Fang clan, people born in the Fang clan are more talented than others due to the effects of its unique bloodline but the most frightening thing about the Fang clan that makes it one of the worlds strongest clans is the unique ability passed down only to its main bloodline descendants- perfect yin and perfect yang. Anyone who has sexual intercourse with a member of the Fang Clan's main branch has their talents increased and Fang Hao belongs to the main branch of the Divine Fang clan!

"WHAT!", the girl was shocked before stuttering while blushing: But isn't Wang Chen a man?

"He was", the scholarly looking youth sighed before continuing:"… Wang Chen was practising a forbidden technique of the Wang Clan called the Emperor's Domination. If a person practising this technique master this, he would become an undefeatable emperor with overwhelming prowess but if he loses to someone else before completely mastering this technique he shall suffer a backlash causing him to turn into a woman and as Wang Chen had lost to Fang Hao before completely mastering this technique his gender changed. Now that he has become a woman he wants to take revenge as well as benefit by taking Fang Hao's Perfect Yang thereby increasing his talent and even possibly reversing this transformation!"

"Senior brother Zhou Yuan, you are so well-informed!", the innocent-looking girl exclaimed.

"Well, after all, I am one of the successor candidates of the number one information agency on the continent of Lyst", Senior Zhou replied smugly.

"Look, the fight has begun!"


"So the price of loss is my virginity ...who would have thought that the first chance to lose my virginity would be in such a manner...", Fang Hao clicked his tongue as he dodged Wang Chen's punch.